
The white is the new green

The white is the new green

It has been internationally agreed that Member States and their insurers who join Green Card System will in future issue a cover certificate on a black and white basis.


The National Agency, which is operated by MABISZ, the Hungarian organization of Green Card System, will thus enable all insurers dealing with the KGFB to issue black and white green cards.

As a result, the PM Regulation 6/2020 (VII.23.) came into force in July 2020. - Magyar Közlöny 2020 No. 176), on the basis of which the green card certifying the existence of compulsory motor third party liability insurance (KGFB) will be black and white.


The KGFB agreement concluded in Hungary covers the territory of the member states of the European Economic Area as well as Switzerland and other countries with which a bilateral agreement has been concluded.

At Multilateral Guarantee Agreement (1991) some countries (including all EU member states) accept a vehicle registration number as proof of cover under a separate agreement. However, in countries that participate only in Green Card System and not in License Plate Convention, a "green card" is required to cross the border, a document issued by the insurer certifying the existence of cover. This can be easily produced by the vehicle user by printing the PDF file received from the service provider on white paper. The certificate should be kept in the vehicle documents, as it can be retrieved at any time if necessary.


We wish you an accident-free transport!


author: Zoltán Kovács – ALD Head of Insurance